
1998 – 驕陽似我 (Good Will Hunting)

Director: Gus Van Sant
Writers: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck
Stars: Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck
Length: 2h 6min








另外,也想說說主角Matt Damon及Ben Affleck,原來這劇本是他們編寫的。原本這是Matt在大學時的功課,後期他找他的好朋友Ben一起創作,雖然後來被電影公司要求改過數次,但最後這電影得獎無數,真是年青有為。在這二十年,二人在電影圈也有著不同的發展,各領風騷。


Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or do you, is that your thing, you come into a bar, read some obscure passage and then pretend – you pawn it off as your own, as your own idea just to impress some girls, embarrass my friend? See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you’re gonna start doin’ some thinkin’ on your own and you’re going to come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life: one, don’t do that, and two, you dropped 150 grand on a fuckin’ education you could have got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library!Will
No, I’m not kiddin’ you, Will. That’s why I’m not talkin’ right now about some girl I saw at a bar twenty years ago and how I always regretted not going over and talking to her. I don’t regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy. I don’t regret the six years I had to give up counseling when she got sick. And I don’t regret the last years when she got really sick. And I sure as hell don’t regret missin’ the damn game. That’s regret.Sean
You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.Sean
You’ll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you’re afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road.Sean
You’re not perfect, sport, and let me save you the suspense: this girl you’ve met, she’s not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you’re perfect for each other.Sean
And look at you… I don’t see an intelligent, confident man… I see a cocky, scared shitless kid. But you’re a genius Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about me because you saw a painting of mine, and you ripped my fucking life apart. You’re an orphan right? You think I know the first thing about how hard your life has been, how you feel, who you are, because I read Oliver Twist? Does that encapsulate you? Personally… I don’t give a shit about all that, because you know what, I can’t learn anything from you, I can’t read in some fuckin’ book. Unless you want to talk about you, who you are. Then I’m fascinated. I’m in. But you don’t want to do that do you sport? You’re terrified of what you might say. Your move, chief.Sean
What is your obsession with this money? My father died when I was 13 and I inherited this money. You don’t think that every day I wake up and wish I could give it back? That I would give it back in a second if I could have one more day with him? But I can’t, and that’s my life and I deal with it. So don’t put your shit on me when you’re the one that’s afraid…..You’re afraid of me! You’re afraid that I won’t love you back! Fuck it, I wanna give it a shot! At least I’m honest with you.Skylar
Look, you’re my best friend, so don’t take this the wrong way but, in 20 years if you’re still livin’ here, comin’ over to my house, watchin’ the Patriots games, workin’ construction, I’ll fuckin’ kill ya. That’s not a threat, that’s a fact, I’ll fuckin’ kill ya.Chuckie
No. No, no no no. Fuck you, you don’t owe it to yourself man, you owe it to me. Cuz tomorrow I’m gonna wake up and I’ll be 50, and I’ll still be doin’ this shit. And that’s all right. That’s fine. I mean, you’re sittin’ on a winnin’ lottery ticket. And you’re too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that’s bullshit. ‘Cause I’d do fuckin’ anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin’ guys. It’d be an insult to us if you’re still here in 20 years. Hangin’ around here is a fuckin’ waste of your time.Chuckie
It’s not your fault.Sean


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  1. […] 得到第85屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片、最佳改編劇本和最佳剪輯獎,我差點錯失進戲院看這部電影的機會,幸好挾著奧斯卡獎項的威名下,最後也趕得及。 影片沒有令我失望,這電影節奏明快,緊張非常,完全沒有一刻能休息下來,令我非常投入,剪輯技巧應記一大功勞。劇情看似很戲劇化,真沒想過那是真人真事。 1979年伊朗發生伊斯蘭革命,推翻美國支持的巴列維政權。同年巴列維往美國治病,引起伊朗反美情緒。新領導人高美尼的支持者佔領了美國大使館, 66名美國外交官和平民被扣留為人質。「伊朗人質危機」一直持續到1981年1月,長達444天。 而在使館被佔領時,有六名領使館職員逃脫,在加拿大大使的家中躲藏,中情局計劃要在他們身份曝光前營救,局方的營救專家建議拍攝一部虛構的科幻電影《Argo》,聲稱到伊朗察看外景場地,6名使館職員扮作來自加拿大的電影工作人員,成功撤離,一部不存在的電影展開了真實的拯救任務。 在網上找有關這事的資料,完全驚訝拍電影的橋段竟然會用來化解這次的危機。看電影時,當然是緊張又刺激,娛樂指數很高,但一想到是真人真事,真的為他們抹一把汗。 原來又是Ben Affleck,之前看完驕陽似我後,特地找了這套電影的資料,發覺他當年已才華洋溢,而他這次又導又演,感覺更勝從前,以後可以留意他的作品。 LA Times Reporter: What does the title refer to? Lester Siegel: The Argo. You know, it’s the thing. LA Times Reporter: Like Jason and the Golden Fleece, or what? Lester Siegel: No, no. It’s the ship. It’s the spaceship. It goes everywhere. It goes all throughout space. LA Times Reporter: So, it’s Argonaut. Lester Siegel: No. LA Times Reporter: What does Argo mean? Lester Siegel: I don’t know. LA Times Reporter: You don’t know? Lester Siegel: It means “Argo fuck yourself.” John Chambers: Target audience will hate it. Tony Mendez: Who’s the target audience? John Chambers: People with eyes. If I’m doing a fake movie, it’s gonna be a fake hit.Lester Siege This is the best bad idea we have, sir. By far.Jack O'Donnell Max Klein: You want me to be honest with you, Les? Lester Siegel: No, I would like you to bullshit me, Max. Lester Siegel: Okay, you got 6 people hiding out in a town of what, 4 million people, all of whom chant “death to America” all the livelong day. You want to set up a movie in a week. You want to lie to Hollywood, a town where everybody lies for a living. Then you’re gonna sneak 007 over here into a country that wants CIA blood on their breakfast cereal, and you’re gonna walk the Brady Bunch out of the most watched city in the world. Tony Mendez: Past about a hundred militia at the airport. That’s right. Lester Siegel: Right. Look, I gotta tell you. We did suicide missions in the army that had better odds than this. Joe Stafford: You really believe your little story’s gonna make a difference when there’s a gun to our heads? Tony Mendez: I think my story’s the only thing between you and a gun to your head. […]

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