1976 – 凶兆 (The Omen)

Directors: Richard Donner
Writers: David Seltzer, Harvey Bernhard
Stars: Gregory Peck, Lee Remick, Harvey Stephens
Length: 1h 51min

《凶兆》(The Omen)第一集是一部經典的恐怖電影,由Richard Donner執導,於1976年上映。《凶兆》以其獨特的宗教和末世主題,成為經典恐怖電影的代表作之一。

故事講述美國外交官Robert Thorn和妻子Katherine Thorn在羅馬生活時迎來孩子的誕生,但不幸的是,孩子在出生時夭折。為了不讓妻子承受喪子之痛,Robert在神父的建議下收養了一名當晚出生的孤兒,並向妻子隱瞞了真相。他們將孩子命名為Damien。幾年後,Robert一家搬到了英國,過著看似幸福的生活。然而,隨著Damien逐漸長大,一系列不尋常且恐怖的事件開始圍繞這個家庭。Damien的保姆在他五歲生日宴會上當眾自殺,並留下詭異的遺言:“這一切都是為了你,Damien!”。這起事件引發了Robert的懷疑。一名神秘的神父告訴Robert,Damien實際上是撒旦之子,將會帶來世界末日。起初,Robert並不相信,但當更多異常現象發生後,他開始調查Damien的身世。在記者Keith Jennings的協助下,Robert逐漸發現了Damien出生時的驚人秘密,以及與他有關的末世預言。在努力挽救家庭與世界的過程中,Robert不得不面對信念和道德的掙扎。


此外,由Jerry Goldsmith創作的陰森配樂,的確為電影增加了不少緊張氣氛,讓觀眾全程感到壓迫感。即使多年後,現在一聽到這段配樂就會立刻聯想到《凶兆》。

Look at me, Damien! It’s all for you.Young Nanny
Robert Thorn: What do you know about my son?
Father Brennan: Everything.
Robert Thorn: And what is that?
Father Brennan: I saw its mother.
Robert Thorn: You saw my wife.
Father Brennan: I saw its mother.
Robert Thorn: You are referring to my wife!
Father Brennan: Its *mother*, Mr. Thorn!
Robert Thorn: If this is blackmail, come and say it! What is it you’re trying to say?
Father Brennan: Its mother was a Jack…
Have no fear, little one… I am here to protect thee.Mrs Baylock
Keith Jennings: Look, I’m not just some bystander. I was the one that found him.
Robert Thorn: And I’m the one that’s supposed to kill him.
Robert Thorn: These are knives. He wants me to stab him! He wants me to murder a child.
Keith Jennings: It’s not a child.
Robert Thorn: How can he know that? Maybe he’s wrong. It’s insane. I won’t have anything to do with murdering a little boy. He’s not responsible. I won’t do it!
Keith Jennings: Well, if you won’t do it… I will!
Please, Daddy! No, Daddy, no!Damien

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