Writers: Andrew Birkin, David Seltzer
Stars: Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi, Don Gordon
Length: 1h 48min
《凶兆 III:最後的衝擊》(Omen III: The Final Conflict) 的故事聚焦於Damien Thorn的成年生活。憑藉天生屈機般的優越條件,年輕的他已成為一位極具影響力的企業家,並身居要職,擔任美國駐英大使。他利用自己的權勢,不惜殺害多名初生嬰孩,試圖尋找並摧毀剛誕生的救世主,以打破聖經的預言並改變自己的宿命。
整體而言,《凶兆 III》的表現遠不如前兩部,無法延續其成功,反而以一個草率的結局讓這個經典系列的最終章顯得遺憾且不盡人意。
Oh my Father, Lord of Silence, Supreme God of Desolation, though mankind reviles yet aches to embrace, strengthen my purpose to save the world from a second ordeal of Jesus Christ and his grubby mundane creed. Two thousand years have been enough. Show man instead the raptures of Thy kingdom. Infuse in him the grandeur of melancholy, the divinity of loneliness, the purity of evil, the paradise of pain. What perverted imagination has fed man the lie that Hell festers in the bowels of the Earth? There is only one Hell, the leaden monotony of human existence. There is only one Heaven, the ecstasy of my Father’s kingdom.Damien
Most people confuse evil with their own trivial lusts and perversions. Now, true evil is as pure as innocence.Damien
Kate Reynolds: I feel like a moth, flying closer and closer to the flame.
Damien Thorn: Which is the moth, and which is the flame?
Damien Thorn: Which is the moth, and which is the flame?
Nazarene, charlatan, what can you offer humanity? Since the hour you vomited forth from the gaping wound of a woman, you’ve done nothing but drown man’s soaring desires in a deluge of sanctimonious morality. You’ve inflamed the pubertal mind of youth with your repellent dogma of original sin. And now you absolve in denying them the ultimate joy beyond death by destroying me? But you will fail, Nazarene, as you have always failed. We were both created in man’s image, but while you were born of an impotent God, I was conceived of a jackal. Born of Satan, the desolate one, the nail. Your pain on the cross was but a splinter compared to the agony of my father. Cast out of heaven, the fallen angel, banished, reviled. I will drive deeper the thorns into your rancid carcass, you profaner of vices. Cursed Nazarene. Satan, I will avenge thy torment, by destroying the Christ forever.Damien
If Abraham was ready to slay his own son for the love of his God, why won’t you do the same for the love of mine?Damien
Disciples of the Watch; I stand before you; in the name of the one who was cast out from Heaven, but is alive in me.Damien
I now command you to seek out and destroy the Nazarene child. Slay the Nazarene… and I shall reign forever. Fail… and I perish.Damien
He was born last night… I feel his presence. Like a virus, a parasite feeding on my energy; trying to drain me of power. For everyday that he lives and grows, my force will weaken.Damien