1995 – 兩顆寂寞的心 (Leaving Las Vegas)

Director: Mike Figgis
Writers: John O’Brien (based upon the novel by), Mike Figgis (screenplay by)
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue, Julian Sands

多年前看後,就喜歡主角Nicolas Cage,他不俊俏,但他有一種很獨有的氣質。

多年後再看這電影,氛圍很頹,很憂鬱,當然了,因為小說作者賣出版權後就自殺。電影主角也是一心尋死,酗酒的程度令人咋舌,電影確實捕捉了那種味道,五光十色繁華的拉斯維加斯,與兩位主角的心理狀況形成強烈對比。Nicolas Cage在電影裡的一頭手一頭足、眼神的空洞無力,觀眾不自覺被捲入他的黑洞裡,看後心仍隱隱作痛,他也因此得到奧斯卡最佳男主角。


Maybe I shouldn’t breathe so much Terri. Haha!Ben Sanderson
Are you desirable? Are you irresistible? Maybe if you drank bourbon with me, it would help. Maybe if you kissed me and I could taste the sting in your mouth it would help. If you drank bourbon with me naked. If you smelled of bourbon as you fucked me, it would help. It would increase my esteem for you. If you poured bourbon onto your naked body and said to me “drink this”. If you spread your legs and you had bourbon dripping from your breasts and your pussy and said “drink here” then I could fall in love with you. Because then I would have a purpose. To clean you up and that, that would prove that I’m worth something. I’d lick you clean so that you could go away and fuck someone else.Ben Sanderson
We both know that I’m a drunk. And I know you are a hooker. I hope you understand that I am a person who is totally at ease with that. Which is not to say that I’m indifferent or I don’t care, I do. It simple means that I trust and accept your judgment.Ben Sanderson
You go back to your hotel and I’ll go back to my glamorous life of being alone. The only thing I have to come home to is a bottle of mouthwash to get the taste of cum out of my mouth. I’m tired of being alone. That’s what I’m tired of.Sera
I think the thing is, we both realized that we didn’t have that much time. And I accepted him for who he was, and I didn’t expect him to change, and I think he felt that for me, too. I liked his drama, and he needed me. And I loved him. I really loved him.Sera

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