2021 – 失控的審判/760號犯人 (The Mauritanian)

Director: Kevin Macdonald
Writers: M.B. Traven, Rory Haines, Sohrab Noshirvani
Stars: Jodie Foster, Tahar Rahim, Shailene Woodley, Benedict Cumberbatch
Length: 2h 9min

《The Mauritanian》是一部2021年的美國法律劇情電影,由Kevin Macdonald執導,改編自Mohamedou Ould Slahi的回憶錄《Guantánamo Diary》。電影以Slahi的真實經歷為基礎,講述了他在沒有被正式指控的情況下,被美國政府關押於Guantanamo Bay監獄長達14年的故事。Slahi被指控與恐怖分子有聯繫,但他始終堅持自己無辜,並在經歷酷刑與不人道對待後,透過人權律師Nancy Hollander與Teri Duncan的努力,展開了對司法正義的漫長抗爭。


Slahi的個案揭示了司法系統如何在安全與自由之間失衡,尤其是在偏見和政治壓力下,中立與公正變得遙不可及。同時,檢察官Stuart Couch的角色反映了個人在體制中的掙扎,他最終選擇堅守真相,拒絕參與政治利益驅動的審判,突顯了追求正義的艱難與可貴。

電影的意義超越了Slahi的個人經歷,它揭示了權力與監察之間難以調和的矛盾。類似的事件並非僅限於美國,在全世界許多地方的黑暗角落中,濫權與人權侵犯的問題屢見不鮮。當權力缺乏透明監察時,自由與尊嚴往往成為代價。《The Mauritanian》不僅是一部法律劇情片,更是一部深刻的反思性作品,它呼籲人們在面對極端情況時,堅守正義與人性的價值,同時警醒世人,權力濫用不僅侵蝕個人權利,也危及社會的核心價值與道德基石。

Well, when I defended someone charged with rape, nobody called me a rapist. When I defended someone charged with murder, nobody dug around my backyard. But when someone is accused of terrorism, people like you seem to think that that’s different. It’s not. When I stand by my client and I insist that he get a fair hearing, I’m not just defending him, I’m defending you and me. The constitution doesn’t have an asterisk at the end that says : “Terms and conditions apply.Nancy
It doesn’t matter what we believe. What matters is what we can prove.Nancy
In Arabic, the word for free and the word for forgiveness is the same word. This is how, even in here, I can be free.Slahi
Where I’m from, we know not to trust the police.

We know the law is corrupt, and we know the government using fear to control us.

And when I moved to Germany as a teenager, for the first time I experienced living where people do not fear the police… where they believe the law protects them.

For me and for so many people in the world, America is like this.

Even in Mauritania, we have watched Law and Order and Ally McBeal.

And when I first arrive at Guantánamo… I’m happy because I trusted in American justice.

Never… Never did I believe I would be eight years a prisoner without trial, and that the United States of America would use fear and terror to control me.

All my time here, I have been told, “You are guilty.

You are guilty.”

Not for something that I have done or that has been proved… but because of suspicions and associations.

If you have a problem with the United States of America, you will have that problem forever.Slahi

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