public function widget($args, $instance) { // Get the total number of published posts excluding the OST category $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, // Get all posts 'post_status' => 'publish', // Only published posts 'category__not_in' => array(get_cat_ID('OST')), // Exclude "OST" category ); // The custom query to count posts $query = new WP_Query($args); $total_posts = $query->found_posts; echo $args['before_widget']; // Widget start // Display the title if set if (!empty($instance['title'])) { echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']) . $args['after_title']; } // Display the total post count excluding OST category echo '

已收錄: ' . $total_posts . '

'; echo $args['after_widget']; // Widget end } 1979 – 吸血鬼 (Dracula) – RanmaJen's Movies

1979 – 吸血鬼 (Dracula)

Director: John Badham
Writers: W.D. Richter (screenplay), Hamilton Deane (play)
Stars: Frank Langella, Laurence Olivier, Donald Pleasence
Length: 1h 49min

看過不少吸血殭屍的電影,感覺主要分兩類:一是野獸喪屍派;一是唯美靈魂派。上次看完1922 – 不死殭屍:恐慄交響曲 (Nosferatu),片中的德古拉伯爵比較像一頭怪物,除了能控制別人思想外,也不覺有什麼能力。但這次的德古拉伯爵甚有魅力,他擁有不凡的樣貎,身型高大,眼特別炯炯有神,聲線沉厚,自信滿滿,穿上披風,翩翩公子的造型的確能迷到不少人。他在電影裡也有很多能力,除能控制別人思想,還能變身化作一頭狼、一隻蝙蝠、甚至化為霧、也能徒手在外牆行走。關於吸血殭屍的傳說也在這電影有所提及,如死敵太陽、十字架及蒜、吸血殭屍在鏡子裡照不出映像、殺死吸血殭屍不能用槍,需要用木樁插在其心臟等。




Now it is you, my best beloved one. You will be flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. You will cross land and sea to do my bidding. I need your blood. I need…Count Dracula
I said it would be nice to see you smile.Count Dracula
In the past 500 years, Professor, those who have crossed my path have all died, and some not pleasantly.Count Dracula
You dare try to confuse me! Tormenting him who is the saddest, the kindest of all!”Lucy Seward
Then you will join me on a higher plane… feeding on them. We will create more of our kind, Lucy.Count Dracula
You fools! Do you think with your crosses and your wafers you can destroy me? Me! You do not know how many men have come against me. I am the *king* of my kind! You have accomplished nothing, Van Helsing. Time is on my side. In a century, when you are dust, I shall wake and call Lucy, my queen, from her grave. I have in my time had many brides, Mr. Harker. But I shall set Lucy above them all.Count Dracula

One comment

  1. […] 第一套吸血殭屍電影不死殭屍:恐慄交響曲及吸血鬼 (Dracula),同樣是取材自Bram Stoker,所以故事大同小異。不過時間相差70及13年,當然有很大的進步。 故事方面,加入了Dracula的背景、與Mina的感情、成為吸身殭屍的過程等,這令Dracula這角色立體化不少,不再只視他為惡魔。拍攝角度也很特別,最記得伯爵與Jonathan在城堡裡初見面時,影子說了很多對白以外的話,這樣的手法相當獨特,也令氣氛變得更詭異。服裝方面,很華麗,一看就知道花了相當的心思,單看這方面,也已值回票價。 當然,不得不提的是選角,Dracula由Gary Oldman來演,亦正亦邪,絕對能駕馭這角色。至於飾Mina的Winona Ryder,1990年她憑電影Edward Scissorhands令人驚艷,實在無容置疑她當年的美貎,穿上那個年代的服飾,異常討好。演Jonanthan的Keanu Reeves當年還是很嫰,在電影中算大配角,沒什麼發揮的機會。 俊男美女配吸血殭屍,加上華麗的服裝及唯美的場景,整體算是不錯。 […]

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